• Board Policies

    Policies in other languages can be requested by contacting Mapleton's Department of School and Community Engagement, communications@mapleton.us, 303.853.1020.


    Board of Education Governance Model (Click Here)

    Index of Board Policies (Click Here)

    Section A: Foundations and Basic Commitments

    Section A: contains policies pertaining to Mapleton's legal role in providing public education and the basic principles underlying school board governance. These policies provide a setting for all of the other policies and regulations. Included in this section are policies on nondiscrimination, educational philosophy, and accountability.

    AC  Nondiscrimination Equal Opportunity
    AD  School District Mission
    ADC  Tobacco-Free Schools
    ADD  Safe Schools
    ADE  Innovation in Education 
    ADF  School Wellness
    AE  Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment
    AEA  Standards-Based Education
    AED  Accreditation
    AEE  Waiver of State Law and Regulation

    Section B: School Board Governance and Operations

    Section B contains policies about the Board of Education for Mapleton Public Schools, including how it is elected, how it is organized, how it conducts meetings, and how it operates. This section includes policies establishing the board’s internal operating procedures as well as policies on board communications and policy adoption.

    BBA  School Board Powers and Responsibilities  
    BBB  Board Member Director District Elections
    BBBA  Board Member Qualifications
    BC  School Board Member Conduct  
    BCA  School Board Member Code of Ethics
    BCB  School Board Member Conflict of Interest
    BDA  Board Organizational Meeting
    BDB  School Board Officers
    BDF  Advisory Committees
    BDFA  District Personnel Performance Evaluation Council 
    BDFB  Career and Technical Program Advisory Committees
    BDFC  Preschool Council
    BDFD  District Safe and Drug-Free Schools Advisory Council
    BE  School Board Meetings
    BEAA  Electronic Participation in School Board Meetings
    BEC  Executive Sessions
    BEDA  Notification of School Board Meetings
    BEDB  Agenda
    BEDD  Rules of Order
    BEDF  Voting Method
    BEDG  Minutes
    BEDH  Public Participation at School Board Meetings
    BG  School Board Policy Process
    BGA  Policy Implementation
    BID/BIE   School Board Member Compensation/Expenses/Insurance/Liability

    Section C: General School Administration

    Section C contains policies on school management, administrative organization, and school building and department administration. It includes the administrative aspects of special programs and system-wide reforms such as school or site-based management. It also contains personnel policies regarding the Superintendent, senior administrators, and school directors.

    CBA/CBC  Qualifications Powers and Responsibilities of Superintendent
    CBB  Recruitment of Superintendent 
    CBD  Superintendent’s Contract
    CBF  Superintendent’s Conduct  
    CBI  Evaluation of Superintendent 
    CC  Administrative Organization
    CF  School Building Administration
    CH  Policy Implementation
    CHCA  Handbooks and Directives
    CHD  Administration in the Absence of Policy

    Section D: Fiscal Management

    Section D contains policies on district finances and the management of funds. It includes policies on budget, banking, accounting, purchasing, and payroll. (See Section F - Facilities Development, for policies on the financing of school construction and renovation.)

    DA  Fiscal Management Goals_Priority Objectives
    DAB   Financial Administration
    DAC  Federal Fiscal Compliance
    DB  Annual Budget
    DBD  Determination of Budget Priorities
    DBG  Budget Adoption Process
    DBJ  Budget Transfers
    DBK  Fiscal Emergencies
    DD  Funding Proposals, Grants, and Special Projects
    DEA  Funds from Local Tax Sources
    DEB  Loan Programs (Funds from State Tax Sources)
    DFA/DFAA  Revenues from Investments_Use of Surplus Funds
    DG  Banking Services and Deposit of Funds
    DH  Bonded Employees and Officers
    DI  Fiscal Accounting
    DIA  Online Schools and Online Programs
    DID  Inventories
    DIE  Annual Audit
    DJ/DJA  Purchasing/Purchasing Authority
    DJB  Federal Procurement
    DJE  Bidding Procedures
    DJG  Vendor Relations
    DKB  Salary Deductions
    DKC  Expense Authorization_Reimbursement
    DN  School Properties Disposal Procedures

    Section E: Support Services

    Section E contains policies on non-instructional services and programs, particularly those pertaining to business management, safety, building and grounds management, office services, transportation, and food services. Also included are policies on busing, fire drills, vandalism, data management, and insurance programs.

    EBAB  Hazardous Materials
    EBBA  Prevention of Disease Infection Transmission
    EBBB  Accident Reports
    EBCE  School Closings and Cancellations
    ECA/ECAB  Security Access to Buildings
    ECAF  Use of Video and Audio Monitoring
    EEA  Student Transportation
    EEAA  Walkers and Riders
    EEAE  Bus Safety Program
    EEAEAA  Drug and Alcohol Testing for Bus Drivers
    EEAEF  Video Cameras on Transportation Vehicles
    EEAEG  Use of Wireless Communication Devices by School Transportation Vehicle  Operators
    EEAFB  Use of School Vehicles by Community Groups
    EEAG  Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
    EEBA  School Transportation Vehicles Use of Safety Belts
    EF  School Nutrition
    EFC  Free and Reduced-Price Food Services
    EFEA  Nutritious Food Choices
    EGAD  Copyright Compliance
    EGAEA  Electronic Communication
    EHB  Records Retention
    EHC  Safeguarding Personal Identifying Information
    EJ  Authorized Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems/Drones

    Section F: Facilities Planning and Development

    Section F contains policies pertaining to facility planning, financing, construction, and renovation. It also includes the topics of temporary facilities, school closings, bond campaigns, and naming facilities.

    FA  Facilities Development Goals_Priority Objectives
    FB  Facilities Planning
    FBC  Prioritization of Facility Improvements
    FD  Facilities Funding
    FDA  Bond Campaigns

    Section G: Personnel

    Section G contains policies pertaining to employees of Mapleton Public Schools. The category is divided into three main subcategories: policies beginning with the letters “GB” apply to all school employees or to general personnel matters; policies beginning with the letters “GC” apply to instructional and administrative staff; and policies beginning with the letters “GD” pertain to support staff and/or classified staff. (See Section C - General Administration, for policies pertaining to the Superintendent.)

    GBA  Open Hiring Equal Employment Opportunity
    GBAA  Sexual Harassment
    GBAB  Workplace Health and Safety Protection
    GBB  Staff Involvement in Decision-Making
    GBEA  Staff Ethics Conflict of Interest GBEA Staff Ethics Conflict of Interest
    GBEB  Staff Conduct and Responsibilities
    GBEBA  Staff Dress Code
    GBEC  Drug-Free Workplace
    GBEE  Staff Use of the Internet
    GBGA  Staff Health and Medical Examination Requirements
    GBGB  Staff Personal Security and Safety
    GBGD  Workers Compensation 
    GBGE  Staff Maternity Parental Leave
    GBGG  Staff Sick Leave
    GBGH  Sick Leave Bank
    GBGJ  Staff Bereavement Leave
    GBI  Criminal History Record Information
    GBJ  Personnel Records and Files
    GBK  Staff Concerns Complaints Grievances
    GC  Professional Staff
    GCA  Professional Staff Positions
    GCE/GCF  Professional Staff Recruiting Hiring
    GCFA  Hiring of Instructional Staff Portability of Non-probationary Status
    GCKAA  Teacher Displacement
    GCO  Evaluation of Licensed Personnel
    GCQA  Instructional Staff Reduction in Force
    GCQC/GCQD  Resignation of Instructional Staff Administrative Staff
    GCQF  Discipline Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff
    GDA  Support Staff Positions
    GDBC  Support Staff Supplementary Pay Overtime
    GDE/GDF  Support Staff Recruiting Hiring

    Section H: Negotiations

    Section H contains policies pertaining to the process of negotiating with bargaining units recognized by the school board and authorized under state law.

    Section I: Instruction

    Section I contains policies on the instructional program. This section covers basic curricular subjects, special programs, instructional resources, and academic achievement. It includes policies about the school year, the school day, grading, graduation requirements, homeschooling, school library, and media center, textbook selection and adoption, field trips, teaching methods, and school ceremonies.

    IC/ICA  School Year School Calendar Instruction Time
    IHAM  Health and Family Life Sex Education
    IHBA  Special Education Programs for Students with Disabilities
    IHBAA  Service animals
    IHBB  Gifted and Talented Education
    IHBD  Equivalence of Services
    IHBEA  English Language Learners
    IHBF  Homebound Instruction
    IHBG  Home Schooling
    IHBIB  Primary_Preprimary Education
    IHBK  Preparation for Postsecondary and Workforce Success
    IHCDA  Concurrent Enrollment
    IJNDAB  Instruction Through Online Courses
    IJOA  Field Trips
    IJOC  School Volunteers
    IKA  Grading Assessment Systems
    IKE  Ensuring All Students Meet Standards
    IKF  Graduation Requirements
    IKFB  Graduation Exercises
    ILBC  Early Literacy and Reading Comprehension (Colorado READ Act)
    IMB  Teaching about Controversial Issues and Use of Controversial Material
    IMBB  Exemptions from Required Instruction
    IMDB  Flag Displays

    Section J: Students

    Section J contains policies pertaining to students, including admissions, attendance, rights and responsibilities, conduct, discipline, suspension and expulsion, health and welfare, records, publications, and school-related activities.

    JB  Equal Educational Opportunities
    JBB  Sexual Harassment
    JEA  Compulsory Attendance Ages
    JF  Admission and Denial of Admission
    JFABB  Admission of Non-immigrant Foreign Exchange Students
    JFABD  Homeless Students
    JFABE  Student in Foster Care
    JFBA  IntraDistrict Choice Open Enrollment
    JFBB  InterDistrict Choice_Open Enrollment
    JFC  Student Withdrawal from School/Dropout
    JH  Student Absences and Excuses
    JHB  Truancy
    JIC  Student Conduct
    JICA  Student Dress Code
    JICC  Student Conduct in School Vehicles
    JICDA  Student Code of Conduct
    JICDD  Violent and Aggressive Behavior
    JICDE  Bullying Prevention and Education
    JICEA  School-Related Student Publications
    JICEC  Student Distribution of Noncurricular Materials
    JICF  Secret Societies Gang Activity
    JICH  Drug and Alcohol Use by Students
    JICI  Weapons in School
    JICJ  Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Personal Technology Devices
    JIH  Student Interrogations Searches and Arrests
    JIHB  Parking Lot Searches
    JIHC  Use of Metal Detectors
    JII  Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances
    JJA1  Student Organizations
    JJA2  Student Organizations Open Forum
    JJF  Student Activities Funds
    JJH  Student Travel
    JJJ  Extracurricular Activity Eligibility
    JK  Student Discipline
    JK2  Discipline of Students with Disabilities
    JKA  Use of Physical Intervention and Restraint
    JKBA  Disciplinary Removal from the Classroom
    JKD/JKE  Suspension Expulsion of Students
    JKG  Expulsion Prevention
    JLC  Student Health Services and Records
    JLCB  Immunization of Students
    JLCC  Communicable Infectious Diseases
    JLCD  Administering Medications to Students
    JLCDA  Students with Food Allergies
    JLCDB  Administration of Medical Marijuana to Qualified Students.
    JLCE  First Aid and Emergency Medical Care
    JLCG  Medicaid Reimbursement
    JLDAC   Screening_Testing of Students and Treatment of Mental Disorders
    JLF  Reporting Child Abuse Child Protection.
    JLFF  Sex Offender Information
    JLIB  Student Dismissal Precautions
    JLJ  Physical Activity
    JQ  Student Fees, Fines, and Charges
    JRA/JRC  Student Records Release of Information on Students
    JRCA  Sharing of Student Records
    JRCB  Privacy and Protection of Confidential Student Information
    JS  Student Use of the Internet and Electronic Communications

    Section K: School-Community Home Relations

    Section K contains policies on parent and community involvement in schools. Policies found in this section include parents’ rights, public information and complaints, community use of school facilities, advertising in the schools, and public information and communications. Except for policies concerning education agencies, statements on public sector relations with the district are also located in this section.

    KB  Parent and Family Engagement in Education
    KBA  Title I Parent Involvement
    KBBA  Custodial and Noncustodial Parent Rights and Responsibilities
    KD  Public Information and Communications
    KDB  Publics Right to Know Freedom of Information
    KDBA  Parent Notification of Employee Criminal Charges
    KDDA  Press Releases, Conferences, and Interviews
    KDE   Crisis Management
    KE  Public Concerns and Complaints
    KEC  Public Concerns Complaints about Instructional Resources
    KEF  Public Concerns Complaints about Teaching Methods, Activities or Presentations
    KF  Community Use of School Facilities
    KFA  Public Conduct on District Property
    KHB  Advertising in Schools
    KHBA  Sponsorship Programs
    KHC  Distribution Posting of Noncurricular Materials
    KI  Visitors to Schools
    KLG  Relations with State Agencies
    KLMA  Relations with Military Recruiters, Postsecondary Institutions and Prospective Employers

    Section L: Education Agency Relations

    Section L contains policies pertaining to Mapleton’s relationship with other education agencies, including other school systems, regional or service districts, private schools, colleges and universities, education research organizations, and state and national education agencies. This section also contains policies on student teaching, charter schools, and BOCES.

    LBD   Relations with Charter Schools